If today Relationships The puzzle leaves you perplexed, you are in the right place. News week contains useful tips for you to conquer the game.
The puzzle was published on June 12, 2023 by The New York Times and has since become the newspaper’s second most popular game. Currently in first place is Josh Wardle Word.
Earlier this year, Relationships developer and NOW crossword editor Wyna Liu said News week that Relationships» The popularity was “overwhelming and unexpected.”
“It’s exciting to see that something that’s close to my heart resonates with people,” she shared.
Keep scrolling for News weekbut be careful: the answers to #545 will be revealed at the end of this article.
How to play “Connections”
If you are new to RelationshipsIt won’t take long to learn the rules of the game.
To begin, players are given a table of 16 words, which they must divide into four groups of four based on common characteristics and sort them into categories.
The categories vary in difficulty, with yellow considered the easiest and purple the hardest. Green and blue are of medium difficulty.
For example, in Friday’s puzzle, the words “perplexed”, “puzzle”, “stump” and “vex” were associated with the category “Baffle”. It was a yellow category.
Once you have chosen your four words, click the “Submit” button. If your submission is correct, the terms will flash in the category color and be removed from the table. However, if they are incorrect, they will be gray in color and remain on the table.
There is no time limit for the game, so you are free to spend your Saturday thinking about the answers. That being said, players only have four answers before the answers are revealed.
Do you feel particularly stuck? Try clicking the “Shuffle” button.
‘Connections’ #545, tips and clues for Saturday December 7
News week has several tips to help you solve Saturday’s puzzle.
YELLOW: In connection with
Green: Terms used when fishing
Blue: Names of professional basketball teams
Purple: Words that follow “Long”
‘Connections #545 Responses from Saturday December 7
Yellow Category: THINK TOGETHER
Yellow words: Affiliate, Associate, Equivalent, Related
Green category: WAYS TO ATTRACT FISH
Green words: Bait, Chum, Fly, Lure
Blue Category: WNBA TEAMS
Blue words: Freedom, Storm, Sun, Wings
Purple Category: LONG ____
Purple words: Bow, comrade, horn, legs
Congratulations if you answered the puzzle correctly, but don’t worry if you didn’t. You’ll have another chance on Sunday when a new game becomes available for you to try.
Relationships is released at midnight in your local time zone, so be sure to check back with News week for more clues.
In the meantime, are you looking to challenge yourself? Try one of these other popular word games.