Don Jr. confronted by restaurant owner who says he lost half his customers because of Trump support

Don Jr. confronted by restaurant owner who says he lost half his customers because of Trump support

A Minnesota restaurant owner confronted Donald Trump Jr. on his podcast, claiming he lost half of his customers after publicly supporting the former president.

Trump Jr. read live chat messages on his political podcast Triggered When restaurant owner Allen Brenycz confronted him, Brenycz told Trump Jr. that he had lost half of his customers after purchasing a digital billboard supporting the former president.

“I have a digital billboard on the interstate in Minnesota,” Brenycz wrote. “I need you to repost my message. I have lost half my business since I publicly supported it.”

Brenycz appeared to be referring to a GoFundMe he started to raise money for the billboard.

“As many of you know, after coming out and advertising for a political figure, I alienated a good percentage of my customers,” he wrote on the GoFundMe, which had received $329 as of Tuesday night.

“Many people who vote with their emotions will simply refuse to patronize my business because of my support,” Brenycz continued.

Trump Jr. told the restaurant owner he would “try to check that out.”

“I haven’t seen it, but if I can find the message I will check it out, I appreciate the support,” said the son of the former president.

Brenycz’s restaurant is in Minnesota, where vice presidential candidate Tim Walz is governor. Vice President Kamala Harris leads Trump 51 percent to 44 percent in Walz’s home state, according to a poll released Monday by Morning Consult.

Harris is also ahead of Trump in national polls. The vice president has a 2.8-point lead over her Republican opponent, according to the national polling average compiled by FiveThirtyEight on Tuesday.

Those numbers could change, however, when Harris and Trump face off in their first debate on Tuesday night.

The debate presents high stakes for both candidates, The Independent previously reported.

Harris will need to keep Democrats’ enthusiasm alive since Joe Biden dropped out of the race, while Trump will seek to halt that momentum and regain lost ground.