Three German tourists deface national park during paintball and slingshot shooting session

Three German tourists deface national park during paintball and slingshot shooting session

Three tourists from Germany have been summoned after taking part in a paintball shooting that defaced road signs, restrooms and dumpsters throughout Joshua Tree National Park, authorities said.

On Sunday, a ranger patrolling Joshua Tree National Park’s Jumbo Rocks Campground noticed “fresh yellow paintball splatter on structures and signs,” according to a National Park Service statement released Thursday.

“Rangers were called to the campground to investigate further and found a slingshot in plain sight inside a vehicle,” authorities said. “Upon questioning, the visitors admitted to shooting paintballs from a compressed paintball gun, known as a paintball marker, and slingshots the night before.”

Rangers then searched the vehicle and recovered “three slingshots, a paintball marker, paintballs and other related equipment as evidence,” park officials confirmed.

Three visitors were cited for shooting paintballs at signs, toilets and dumpsters throughout Joshua Tree National Park on August 4.

National Park Service

Authorities have not released any information about the suspects involved in the case, but confirmed that the three suspects questioned were German tourists, according to the National Park Service statement detailing the incident.

“Defacing or altering the landscape of Joshua Tree National Park, no matter how small, is against the law,” said Jeff Filosa, acting chief ranger for Joshua Tree National Park. “It harms the natural environment that millions of people enjoy as they travel around the world. The park is regularly tasked with removing graffiti of all types, which takes time and resources that could be better spent on other priorities.”

Upon further investigation, park rangers also learned that at least 11 road signs along the park’s boulevard from Jumbo Rocks Campground to the Maze Trailhead, two miles from the park’s west entrance, had been shot with yellow paintballs.

Law enforcement rangers served each of the three suspects with a federal infraction notice for vandalism, damage or destruction of property. The offense carries a maximum fine of $5,000 and a prison sentence of up to six months.

“Paintball markers and slingshots are legally considered weapons and are prohibited on lands administered by the National Park Service,” authorities said.

The matter is currently under investigation and park maintenance staff are currently cleaning the park.